An Introduction to the Art of Assertiveness: what assertiveness means & 19 strategies to be more assertive.



An Introduction to the Art of Assertiveness: Course Overview and Content

Objective of the Course: The course aims to teach the art of assertiveness, emphasizing what assertiveness means, its benefits, and providing strategies to enhance assertive behavior. Participants will learn to identify different communication types, recognize 19 specific assertiveness strategies, pinpoint triggers for non-assertive behavior, and adopt assertive body language.

Who Will Benefit: This course is particularly useful for professionals, business people, life-long learners, confidence seekers, and busy individuals who need a quick yet comprehensive guide to becoming more assertive in various interactions, including at work, school, or volunteering environments.

Course Structure and Duration: The course is succinctly structured into four main sections, encompassing 11 lectures with a total length of approximately 40 minutes. These sections include:

  1. Welcome to the Course
  2. What is Assertive Communication
  3. How Can I Be More Assertive?
  4. Summary and Bonus

Section 1: Welcome and Introduction

  • Welcome to the Course: A brief introduction expressing gratitude for joining.
  • Before we begin…: Participants answer two introductory questions to reflect on their current communication style.

Section 2: Understanding Assertive Communication

  • The Benefits of Assertive Communication: Explores 16 surprising benefits of being assertive.
  • Assertiveness Meaning and Skill: Defines assertiveness and discusses its learnability.
  • 4 Communication Types: Identifies and explains the four main communication types: passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive.
  • Communication Style Factors: Analyzes factors that influence communication styles with different people.
  • Section 2 Quiz: A quiz to review key concepts covered in this section.

Section 3: Enhancing Assertiveness

  • 5 Assertive Beliefs: Details the core beliefs held by confidently assertive individuals.
  • 19 Assertive Strategies: Lists and explains 19 actionable strategies to improve assertiveness.
  • Assertive Body Language: Describes the body language that aligns with assertive communication.
  • Assertive Expressions: Differentiates between assertive, passive, and aggressive expressions.
  • Section 3 Quiz: A quiz to review the key concepts from this section.

Section 4: Summary and Additional Resources

  • Congratulations & Recap: Summarizes the key takeaways from the course.
  • Bonus, Next Steps & Downloadable Slides: Provides additional free resources to continue learning and encourages the download of course slides.

Additional Resources: Participants are directed to a library of free resources aimed at boosting confidence and communication skills, available at These resources include guides on appreciation at work, confident communication, saying no without hurt feelings, speaking up in meetings, and a crash course on assertiveness at work. There are also links to the Assertive Way newsletter, blog, educational videos, and social media channels for ongoing learning and support.

Final Thoughts: The course emphasizes continuous learning and improvement. Participants are encouraged to leave feedback and are reminded of the support and additional materials available through the Assertive Way platform. The instructor, Ivna, closes with an encouraging message, emphasizing the importance of confidence, candor, and care in communication.

Conclusion: This concise course is designed to provide practical, actionable insights into assertiveness. It equips learners with the knowledge and tools to improve their communication skills, boost their confidence, and effectively assert themselves in various aspects of their lives.

What You’ll Learn

  • Understand what assertiveness means, how to e more assertive, and how it can help you
  • Identify 4 types of communication
  • Recognize 19 assertiveness strategies
  • Identify what triggers your non-assertive behavior
  • Adopt an assertive body language



  • You will benefit more from this course if you interact with people at school, work or volunteering.


Learn assertiveness.

Avoid these problems by learning how to be assertive:

  • Do others take advantage of you?
  • Do you feel unappreciated and undervalued at work?
  • Do others ignore you?
  • Do you hesitate to speak your mind?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed out and guilty?
  • Do you lack confidence at work?

This course can help you if you are a:

  • Professional or business person – If you deal with any type of people at work – boss, employees, colleagues, clients, suppliers or even professors.
  • Life-long learner – If you want to develop your soft skills and communication skills at work, this course is for you!
  • Confidence seeker – If you want to boost your confidence through action, this is the course for you!
  • Busy person – And you want a quick overview that goes straight to the point. We cover a lot in 40min.


Who this course is for

  • People who want to quickly get an overview on how to be more assertive.

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