Professional Diploma in WEB3 NFT Business by MTF Institute



The “Professional Diploma in Web3 NFT Business” course by MTF Institute and QuickNode offers a comprehensive understanding of the NFT business model, with a focus on Web3 technologies and blockchain infrastructure. The course aims to equip learners with the necessary knowledge to navigate the emerging world of decentralized web technologies, particularly the use of NFTs in business.

Key Learnings from the Course:

NFT Business Model Template: The course covers how NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are used to create unique digital assets, stored on a blockchain, representing ownership or authenticity of content. You’ll learn how to develop and use an NFT business model template to explore opportunities for digital art, collectibles, virtual goods, and more.

Cost Assessment for NFT Creation: One of the key takeaways from this course is understanding the costs involved in creating an NFT collection. You’ll learn to break down expenses, which may include blockchain minting fees (commonly known as gas fees), platform costs, marketing expenditures, and the development of smart contracts.

Earning Potential from NFTs: The course also discusses how much you can potentially earn from NFTs, providing real-world examples of NFT projects and how they have generated revenue. Factors affecting earning potential include market demand, the uniqueness of the asset, and the community engagement around your NFT project.

Why People Should Care About Your NFT: The course explains how to make your NFT project stand out in the crowded digital landscape. It highlights the importance of creating value, scarcity, and an emotional connection with your audience. Building a community around your NFTs is also emphasized, as this fosters long-term engagement and loyalty.

General Knowledge of the NFT Business Model: Understanding the overall NFT business model is crucial for anyone wanting to enter the Web3 space. The course explains the importance of smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi), tokenization, and the digital marketplace ecosystem that NFTs thrive in. You’ll get a grasp of how NFTs work as a part of the broader blockchain economy and how they provide new revenue streams for creators and businesses alike.

Course Content Overview:

The course is divided into 3 sections, with a total of 7 lectures, spanning 58 minutes. The lectures cover the fundamentals of NFTs, the technical process of creating them, and strategies for successfully launching and managing an NFT collection.


The course is beginner-friendly, with no special prerequisites. However, for a more effective learning experience, students are encouraged to use a laptop, mobile phone, or even pen and paper to take notes, highlight important points, and reinforce their learning through summaries.

Description of the Course:

The course is provided by the MTF Institute of Management, Technology, and Finance, a global educational and research institute based in Lisbon, Portugal. MTF focuses on professional and hybrid education in areas such as Business, Technology, Blockchain, and Digital Assets. It collaborates with major companies like IBM, Intel, and Microsoft and has a student base of over 380,000 learners across 208 countries.

QuickNode, a partner in the course, is a leading provider of blockchain infrastructure. It simplifies access to blockchain networks and offers a comprehensive platform with tools like NFT/Token API, Graph API, and QuickAlerts. QuickNode is a trusted provider for many Web3 projects and businesses.

Why Web3 and NFTs Matter:

Web3 represents the next evolution of the internet, driven by decentralized technologies and blockchain protocols. It offers more transparency, security, and control over digital assets. Unlike Web2, where centralized platforms hold control, Web3 allows users to manage their data and digital identities, fostering a more secure and censorship-resistant online environment.

NFTs are a key part of this evolution, as they allow individuals and businesses to create unique digital assets that are verifiably owned on the blockchain. From digital art and collectibles to gaming items and virtual real estate, NFTs establish authenticity and scarcity in a digital world where replication is otherwise effortless.

Importance of Learning Web3 and NFTs for Businesses:

For businesses, understanding Web3 and NFTs is critical for staying competitive in the future digital landscape. Some of the reasons companies should invest in learning about these technologies include:

  1. Anticipating Emerging Trends: Web3 and NFTs are fundamentally changing how we interact with the internet and digital assets. Staying informed about these technologies enables businesses to anticipate future trends and adjust their strategies accordingly.
  2. Exploring New Business Models: NFTs enable innovative business models like decentralized finance (DeFi), tokenized assets, and digital collectibles. This opens up fresh opportunities for revenue generation.
  3. Enhancing Customer Engagement: By offering NFTs, businesses can create personalized experiences for their customers. Whether it’s through exclusive content, virtual goods, or digital art, NFTs help businesses build strong connections with their audience.
  4. Risk Mitigation: As blockchain and NFTs grow in popularity, understanding their implications becomes vital for mitigating security risks and navigating regulatory challenges.

Career and Business Growth Opportunities:

The skills and knowledge gained from this course can support various professional and entrepreneurial endeavors:

  • Technical Expertise: Those proficient in blockchain development, smart contract programming, and NFT standards like ERC-721 or ERC-1155 can explore technical roles in blockchain companies.
  • Entrepreneurship: Individuals with expertise in NFTs can launch their own ventures, such as creating NFT marketplaces, blockchain-based games, or offering consultancy services to businesses exploring Web3 integration.
  • Strategic Leadership: Managers with knowledge of Web3 and NFTs can drive innovation in their organizations, exploring potential partnerships with blockchain startups or implementing pilot projects.
  • Personal Branding: Building a personal brand as an expert in Web3 and NFTs can open opportunities for speaking engagements, advisory roles, and partnerships.


This course is ideal for anyone looking to advance their knowledge or career in the Web3 space. By understanding the technical, business, and strategic aspects of NFTs and blockchain, learners can position themselves for success in this rapidly evolving industry.